Hello and Welcome!

I am a Member of the Northern Guild of Toastmasters their first Lady Toastmaster!
The Skills of a Fully Qualified Toastmaster may include:
- Master of Ceremonies
- Compere
- Announcer/Presenter
- Group Organiser
- Event Co- ordinator
- Etiquette, Protocol & Procedures.
I perform the duties of a Toastmaster or a Master of Ceremonies which includes meeting and welcoming the guests, directing them to the appropriate place or room, organising a receiving line, making announcements and introducing the guest speakers,helping with raffles and presentations.
I also interact and work along side the organiser, event co-ordinator, banquet manager etc., keeping an eye on the time by moving people on and helping to make the event or occasion run smoothly.
I am also fully trained in protocol and etiquette procedures.